What Are The Measures To Call A Python Code A Policy-based Design?
Solution 1:
The answer is the product of what I learn based on my research and some comments from StackOverflow.
I wrote a detail blog about these approaches called Mixin and policy-based design in python. In that post, I also discuss several extensions like implementations using decorators, adding default classes with mixins, and more ...
Design requirements and implementations
Design a Python module such users can create classes with new behavior and interfaces by inheriting from a predefined set of classes. This approach provides a large number of classes available to the users based on all possible ways they can be combined into new ones.
This requirement can be implemented using mixin and policy-based implementations.
Mixin implementation
Mixin implementation is defined as follow:
- Module classes are divided between mixin and base classes.
- Mixin classes implement modifications to the behavior or interface of a base class.
- Users create a new class by combining one or more mixin(s) with base classes by inheritance.
"""Implementation of some Mixin1 class."""classMixin2Class:
"""Implementation of some Mixin2 class."""
"""Implementation of based class."""# End user creating new classclassNewClass(Mixin1Class, [Mixin2Class, ...], BasedClass):
Policy-based implementation
Policy-based implementation is defined as follow:
- Module classes are divided between policy and host classes.
- Policy classes implement modifications to the behavior or interface of the host.
- Host classes are defined withing class factories i.e., a function that returns type objects.
- Users invoke the creation of new class using class factories.
- Policy classes are passed as arguments to the class factory.
- Withing the class factory, the host class is created with all the policy classes as its parents.
"""Implementation of some Policy1 class."""classPolicy2Class:
"""Implementation of some Policy2 class."""
defHostClassFactory(Policy1, Policy2=Policy2Class, ...):
"""Create a HostClass and return it."""classHostClass(Policy1, Policy2, ...):
"""Concrete implementation of the host class."""return HostClass
# End user invoking new class
NewClass = HostClassFactory(Policy1Class, [Policy2Class,...])
- Wikipedia: Modern C++ Design, Policy-based design.
- My question in stackoverflow.
- My technical blog: Policy-based design in python
Comparison between implementations
Here a list of the differences between approaches:
- The relationship between classes is not the same affecting the Python's Method Resolution Order or MRO, see figure below.
- The mixin's base classes are defined or instantiated when the user creates the new class.
- However, policy-based host class definition is delayed until the user calls the factory function.
- It is possible to provide default policy classes, but you cannot have mixin default classes.
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