In Python, Is There A Way To Extract A Embedded Json String?
So I'm parsing a really big log file with some embedded json. So I'll see lines like this foo='{my_object:foo, bar:baz}' a=b c=d The problem is that since the internal json can h
Solution 1:
Found a really cool answer. Use json.JSONDecoder's scan_once function
In [30]: import json
In [31]: d = json.JSONDecoder()
In [32]: my_string = 'key="{"foo":"bar"}"more_gibberish'
In [33]: d.scan_once(my_string, 5)
Out[33]: ({u'foo': u'bar'}, 18)
In [37]: my_string[18:]
Out[37]: '"more_gibberish'
Just be careful
In [38]: d.scan_once(my_string, 6)
Out[38]: (u'foo', 11)
Solution 2:
Match everything around it.
>>>'^foo="(.*)" a=.+ c=.+$', 'foo="{my_object:foo, bar:baz}" a=b c=d').group(1)
'{my_object:foo, bar:baz}'
Solution 3:
Something like:
import shlex
import json
def decode_line(line):
decoded = {}
fields = shlex.split(line)
for f in fields:
k, v = f.split('=', 1)
if k == "foo":
v = json.loads(v)
decoded[k] = v
return decoded
This does assume that the JSON inside the quotes is quoted properly.
Here's a short example program that uses the above:
import pipes
testdict = {"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}
line = 'foo=' + pipes.quote(json.dumps(testdict)) + ' a=b c=d'print line
print decode_line(line)
With output:
foo='{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}' a=b c=d
{'a': 'b', 'c': 'd', 'foo': {u'foo': u'bar', u'hello': u'world'}}
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